6 Avril 1580 - This Day in French History

At around 6:00PM the Dover Straits Earthquake occurred in England and Northern France (Flanders). According to the Channel Tunnel Study it had a magnitude of 5.3-5.9 and occurred in the lower crust of the earth and therefore was felt over a large area. This is one of the largest earthquakes recorded in history.

As it happened during Easter Week, it was seen as an omen. The belfrey of the Notre Dame of Lorette collapsed as well as several buildings in Lille. Peasants reported that they felt a rumble in the fields and saw the ground roll in waves.


  1. Hello Lille,

    Thank you for this interesting snippet of history,
    which I was not aware of.
    Renaissance times in France are fascinating to read about, especially with the flowering of literature and the arts.

    Best wishes

  2. Hello Lille

    Thank you for this interesting piece of history.

    The renaissance times of France are a fascinating time
    with the flowering of literature and the arts.

    Best wishes


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