Angélique - Marquise des Anges

You cannot get more femme fatale than this girl. This series was written by French author Anne Golon starting in the late 1950's. She continues to write giving us more about the fantastic life of this beloved French heroine, Angelique.

This series is most easily found in France. There is a series of about 13 books that are not all translated into English. In the USA and some other countries one has to scour the used book shops for the series of the first 9 books.

The searching is worth it if you are a fan of Historical Romance Fiction written with an intelligent voice. This story is way more than just your average bodice ripper. Anne has carefully and meticuosly researched life in the time of Louis XIV, his court and life in general. One can also find movies made in France during the 1960's that are nicely done for that time.

Here is a list of the nine books that you can search for in English:

Angélique and the King
Angélique in Barbary
Angélique in Revolt
The Countess Angélique
The Temptation of Angélique
Angélique in Love
Angélique and the Demon
Angélique and the Ghosts

The official website:


  1. Thanks for sharing these... I'm fascinated that these exist and can be found and would absolutely love to read them.

  2. Bonjour Margo,
    Thanks for visiting. I just checked and most, if not all, of the books are available on ebay and Amazon. Or you can check your local library.


  3. There is also a Yahoo Angelique group.



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