Le Phare - The Lighthouse

phare Bénodet
Le Phare de Bénodet.

The other night, mon mari (husband), Henri, ma belle-soeur(sister-in-law), Francoise, mon beau-frère (brother-in-law), Pierre et moi (and me) were in search of an open restaurant for our evening repas (meal). This is no easy task in the off season in the resort town of Bénodet on the southern Atlantic coast of Bretagne (Brittany). After searching a few back streets, we find an Italian restaurant complete with pasta and pizza!

Making our way back to Pierre's voiture (car) we once again pass by Le Phare de Bénodet lit to guide modern day travelers along the moonless night coast.

un gardien de phare
- lighthouse keeper

allumez vos phares - put your headlights on (as in automobile headlights)


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